Opac Online Access Catalog, allows users to make research on the Central Library catalog,This catalog includes different types of documents: books, periodicals, dissertations, thesis…To consult this catalog click here
Central library catalog

Opac Online Access Catalog, allows users to make research on the Central Library catalog,This catalog includes different types of documents: books, periodicals, dissertations, thesis…To consult this catalog click here
The Institutional depository of the University of Boumerdes is a digital archive composed ofthe University’s scientific production. Dspace manages, stores and puts at disposal theacademic works of the UMBB. http://dlibrary.univ-boumerdes.dz:8080/
The SNDL provides access to a rich and diverse collection of national and international electronic documentation covering all fields of education and scientific research https://www.sndl.cerist.dz/
The National Thesis Reporting Portal (PNST) is a system aimed at handling the national scientific production of theses, in accordance with decree number 153 of May 14, 2012, regarding the establishment of a central database for dissertations and theses, as...